A. Establishment
The Steering Committee was established on January 13, 2017.
B. Membership and Terms of Office
The LAM NS Steering Committee will be composed of one representative from each of the following:
- Association of Nova Scotia Museums (ANSM)
- Council of Nova Scotia Archives (CNSA)
- Council of Regional Librarians (CORL)
- Novanet
- Nova Scotia Archives (NSA)
- Nova Scotia Provincial Library (NSPL)
- Nova Scotia Museum (NSM)
The length of term for members of the Steering Committee shall be determined by their parent organization/association.
The Chair and Vice Chair will be selected from the membership of the Steering Committee and will serve for a term of two (2) years. The Chair and Vice Chair will each represent two different sectors to reflect the diversity of the membership. Secretariat services will be provided by NSA, NSPL or NSM as appropriate.
C. Member Roles and Responsibilities
Steering Committee members will have sufficient authority in, or on behalf of their parent organization/ association, to:
- represent the goals and objectives of their parent organization/association
- make (or facilitate the making of) decisions
- make (or facilitate the making of) resource commitments
Steering Committee members will:
- participate regularly in and actively contribute to LAM NS meetings
- act as an LAM Nova Scotia ambassador within their parent organization/association
- ensure that communication flows in both directions between their parent organization/association and the LAM NS Steering Committee
- identify, and partner to identify, opportunities for LAM NS projects and activities
- actively encourage their parent organization/association’s participation in LAM NS projects and activities as appropriate
- identify and partner to acquire funds and resources for LAM NS projects and activities
- ensure that LAM NS engages in an evaluative framework and promotes a culture of accountability including annually reporting.
D. Sub-Committees and Working Groups
The Steering Committee may establish such sub-committees and working groups as it deems appropriate. The Terms of Reference of each sub-committee and working group shall be approved by the Steering Committee, and shall be constructed to ensure consistency and coordination between and among the functions and activities of all sub-committees and working groups.
The Steering Committee shall receive reports as required or requested from such sub-committees and working groups. It will also be responsible for monitoring and evaluating each sub-committee and working group’s activities in respect of its functional responsibilities.
E. Meetings
Steering Committee meetings may be held face-to-face, by telephone, web conference or other electronic means.
Steering Committee meetings shall be held at least 3 times per year. Steering Committee members are required to be fully prepared for each meeting, having read the documentation in advance and shall make every reasonable effort to attend each meeting. A designate may be sent and will have authority to vote on behalf of the member in exceptional situations only.
Decisions of the Steering Committee will be made consensually at a duly called and constituted meeting; or, by a resolution in writing to all members of the Steering Committee and physically or electronically signed by at least a quorum of the Steering Committee members.
F. Quorum
A quorum for the committee meeting is defined as 50% of the membership, plus one (i.e., 4 members) with at least one committee member from each sector represented.
G. Agendas and Minutes
Agendas and associated documentation will be distributed at least three days prior to the meeting.
Minutes are to be prepared for each committee meeting. The draft minutes and action sheet of each meeting are to be reviewed by the Chair and circulated to all Steering Committee members as soon as reasonably possible. A copy of the minutes will be included in the agenda documentation for the next Steering Committee meeting.
All approved agendas, minutes, action items and yearly reports will be posted to the LAM NS website.
H. Expenses
Travel and associated meeting costs are the responsibility of the representative’s home parent organization/association.
I. Evaluation and Review
To ensure that the Steering Committee is fulfilling its duties, it will undertake an annual assessment of projects and activities carried out against these Terms of Reference and provide the assessment to the participating parent organizations/associations via the website.
The LAM NS Steering Committee Terms of Reference will be reviewed every two years. Any changes will be made by a majority vote.